つらつら Excel VBA



Public Name As String
Public Father As String
Public Mother As String

Public Property Get Self() As KakunouClass
    Set Self = Me
End Property
Dim kakunou_dic, buf As String
Dim kc As KakunouClass '自作のデータ格納クラス

Set kakunou_dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

buf = "テスト"
If Not Kakunou_dic.Exists(buf) Then
    With New KakunouClass
        .Name = buf
        .Father = "父"
        kakunou_dic.Add buf, .Self
    End With
End If

If kakunou_dic.Exists(buf) Then
    Set kc = kakunou_dic.Item(buf)
    'Debug.Print "kc.Father = " & kc.Father '確認
    kc.Mother = "母"
    kakunou_dic.Remove buf
    Kakunou_dic.Add buf, kc
End If
