つらつら Excel VBA





Option Explicit

Sub メイン処理()
    Dim mp3b As classBinaryID3V2
    Dim fileList() As String
    Dim iRow As Long
    Dim tmp As String
    Call makeFileList(ThisWorkbook.Path, True, fileList)
    Dim i As Long
    For i = LBound(fileList) To UBound(fileList)
        If Right(fileList(i), 4) <> ".mp3" Then GoTo fileSkip
        Set mp3b = New classBinaryID3V2
        With mp3b
            Cells(i, 1).Value = fileList(i)
            .SetHexList = readBinary(fileList(i), 10)
            Dim strErrMsg As String: strErrMsg = .checkID3v2
            If Len(strErrMsg) > 0 Then
                Cells(i, 2).Value = strErrMsg: GoTo fileSkip
            End If
            .SetHexList = readBinary(fileList(i), .GetAllFrameSize + 10)
            .NextFrame '最初のフレームをセット。
            Do While .GetFrameID <> ""
                Select Case .GetFrameID
                Case "TIT2", "TPE1", "TALB"
                    tmp = .GetFrameCharacterCode
                    Cells(i, 2).Value = Choose(Int(tmp) + 1, "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-16", "UTF-16", "UTF-8")
                End Select
                Select Case .GetFrameID
                Case "TIT2" 'タイトル
                    Cells(i, 3).Value = .GetFrameValue
                Case "TPE1" 'アーティスト
                    Cells(i, 4).Value = .GetFrameValue
                Case "TALB" 'アルバム
                    Cells(i, 5).Value = .GetFrameValue
                Case "TRCK" 'トラック
                    Cells(i, 6).Value = .GetFrameValue
                Case "TCON" 'ジャンル
                    Cells(i, 7).Value = .GetFrameValue
                Case "COMM" 'コメント
                    Cells(i, 8).Value = .GetFrameValue
                Case Else

                End Select
                .NextFrame '次のフレームを読み込む。
        End With
        Set mp3b = Nothing
    Range("A1:H1").Value = Array("フルパス", "メモ", "タイトル", "アーティスト", "アルバム", "トラック", "ジャンル", "コメント")
End Sub


Option Explicit

Function HexToDec(sHex As String) As Long
    HexToDec = BinToDec(HexToBin(sHex))
End Function

Function BinToDec(sBin As String) As Long
    Dim tmp As String
    tmp = StrReverse(sBin) '文字を逆にする
    Dim iSum As Long: iSum = 0
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Len(tmp)
        If Mid(tmp, i, 1) = "1" Then
            iSum = iSum + 2 ^ (i - 1)
        End If
    BinToDec = iSum
End Function

'Syncsafe Integerを計算。16進数を10進数で返却。
Function HexToSyncsafeInteger(sHex As String) As Long
    Dim rtnStr As String: rtnStr = ""
    Dim tmp As String
    tmp = HexToBin(sHex) '16進数を2進数に変換
    tmp = StrReverse(tmp) '文字を逆にする
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Len(tmp)
        If i Mod 8 <> 0 Then rtnStr = Mid(tmp, i, 1) & rtnStr
    HexToSyncsafeInteger = BinToDec(rtnStr)
End Function

Function HexToBin(sHex As String) As String
    Dim rtnStr As String: rtnStr = ""
    Dim tmp As String
    Dim i As Long
    For i = Len(sHex) To 1 Step -1
        tmp = WorksheetFunction.Hex2Bin(Mid(sHex, i, 1))
        tmp = Right("000" & tmp, 4) '桁埋め
        rtnStr = tmp & rtnStr
    HexToBin = rtnStr
End Function

Sub 単体チェック用()
    Dim filePath As String
    filePath = "C:\音楽\〇〇〇.mp3"
    Call getMp3Info(filePath)
End Sub

Function getMp3Info(filePath As String) As Boolean
    Dim iFrameCnt As Long: iFrameCnt = 0
    Dim mp3b As classBinaryID3V2
    Set mp3b = New classBinaryID3V2
    With mp3b
        .SetHexList = readBinary(filePath, 10)
        Dim strErrMsg As String: strErrMsg = .checkID3v2
        If Len(strErrMsg) > 0 Then Debug.Print strErrMsg: GoTo readEnd
        .SetHexList = readBinary(filePath, .GetAllFrameSize + 10)
        Debug.Print .GetAllTagBinary
        Debug.Print "----------------------------------------"
        Debug.Print .GetHeaderBinary(" ")
        Debug.Print .GetHeaderID, .GetVersion, .GetAllFrameSize
        .NextFrame '次のフレーム(最初)
        Do While .GetFrameID <> ""
            Debug.Print "----------------------------------------"
            iFrameCnt = iFrameCnt + 1
            If iFrameCnt > 20 Then Exit Do '安全装置。タグが20個以上あるならコメントアウト。
            Debug.Print .GetFrameBinary(" ")
            Debug.Print .GetFrameID, .GetFrameNameJP, .GetFrameSize, .GetFrameValue
            .NextFrame '次のフレーム
    End With
    Set mp3b = Nothing
End Function

Function readBinary(filePath As String, Optional readNumByte As Long = 0) As String()
    Dim iFileLen As Long
    iFileLen = FileLen(filePath)
    If iFileLen = 0 Then End
    Dim iFileNo As Integer
    iFileNo = FreeFile
    On Error GoTo OpenErr
    Open filePath For Binary As #iFileNo
    Dim bData() As Byte
    If readNumByte = 0 Then
        ReDim bData(1 To iFileLen) '全て読み込む
        ReDim bData(1 To readNumByte)
    End If
    Get #iFileNo, , bData
    Close #iFileNo
    Dim sHex() As String
    ReDim sHex(LBound(bData) To UBound(bData))
    Dim i As Long
    For i = LBound(bData) To UBound(bData)
        sHex(i) = Right("0" & Hex(bData(i)), 2)
    readBinary = sHex
End Function

Sub makeFileList(sFolderPath As String, subFolderSearch As Boolean, ByRef fileList() As String)
    Dim fso As Object
    Dim folder As Object
    Dim subfolder As Object
    Dim file As Object
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set folder = fso.GetFolder(sFolderPath)
    If subFolderSearch Then
        For Each subfolder In folder.SubFolders
            Call makeFileList(subfolder.Path, subFolderSearch, fileList)
        Next subfolder
    End If
    For Each file In folder.files
        'Debug.Print file.Name, file.Path, file.Size
        Call addArrayString(fileList, file.Path)
    Next file
    Set subfolder = Nothing
    Set folder = Nothing
    Set fso = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub addArrayString(ByRef arr, s)
    On Error GoTo add1
    Dim i As Long: i = 0
    i = UBound(arr) '配列でない場合にエラー
    i = i + 1
    ReDim Preserve arr(1 To i)
    arr(i) = s
End Sub


Option Explicit

Private sHex() As String 'バイナリ
Private Location As Long 'フレームの開始位置
Public FrameCount As Long 'フレーム数

Public TagTitle As String
Public TagArtist As String
Public TagAlbum As String
Public TagTrackNo As String
Public TagGenre As String
Public TagComment As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Location = 1
    FrameCount = 0
    TagTitle = ""
    TagArtist = ""
    TagAlbum = ""
    TagTrackNo = ""
    TagGenre = ""
    TagComment = ""
End Sub

Public Property Let SetHexList(sHexList() As String)
    sHex = sHexList
End Property

Public Sub AllTagRead()
    Dim backupLocation As Long
    backupLocation = Location
    FrameCount = 0
    Location = 1
    Do While GetFrameID <> ""
        FrameCount = FrameCount + 1
        Select Case GetFrameID
        Case "TIT2" 'タイトル
            TagTitle = GetFrameValue
        Case "TPE1" 'アーティスト
            TagArtist = GetFrameValue
        Case "TALB" 'アルバム
            TagAlbum = GetFrameValue
        Case "TRCK" 'トラック
            TagTrackNo = GetFrameValue
        Case "TCON" 'ジャンル
            TagGenre = GetFrameValue
        Case "COMM" 'コメント
            TagComment = GetFrameValue
        Case "APIC" 'アートワーク
        Case Else
        End Select
        NextFrame '次のフレームを読み込む。
    Location = backupLocation
End Sub

Private Function sHex_getCount() As Long
    Dim iCnt As Long: iCnt = 0
    On Error GoTo Err1
    iCnt = UBound(sHex)
    sHex_getCount = iCnt
End Function

Private Function sHex_getString(iStart As Long, iLen As Long, Optional sDelimiter As String = "") As String
    Dim tmp As String: tmp = ""
    Dim i As Long
    Dim iEnd As Long: iEnd = (iStart + iLen - 1)
    If sHex_getCount < iEnd Then iEnd = sHex_getCount
    For i = iStart To iEnd
        If Len(sDelimiter) > 0 And Len(tmp) > 0 Then tmp = tmp & sDelimiter
        tmp = tmp & sHex(i)
    sHex_getString = tmp
End Function

Private Function sHex_getStringAscii(iStart As Long, iLen As Long) As String
    Dim tmp As String: tmp = ""
    Dim i As Long
    For i = iStart To (iStart + iLen - 1)
        tmp = tmp & Chr(HexToDec(sHex(i)))
    sHex_getStringAscii = tmp
End Function

Private Function sHex_getStringShiftJIS(iStart As Long, iLen As Long) As String
    Dim sFrameVal As String: sFrameVal = ""
    Dim i As Long, tmp As String
    Dim iEnd As Long: iEnd = (iStart + iLen - 1)
    For i = iStart To iEnd
        'If sHex(i) = "00" And i = iEnd Then Exit For '終了フラグ
        If sHex(i) = "00" Then Exit For '終了フラグ
        If Is2byteShiftJIS(sHex(i), sHex(i + 1)) Then
            tmp = sHex(i) & sHex(i + 1)
            i = i + 1
            tmp = sHex(i)
        End If
        sFrameVal = sFrameVal & Chr(HexToDec(tmp))
    sHex_getStringShiftJIS = sFrameVal
End Function

Private Function sHex_getStringUTF16(iStart As Long, iLen As Long, flgBigEndian As Boolean) As String
    Dim sFrameVal As String: sFrameVal = ""
    Dim i As Long, tmp As String
    For i = iStart To (iStart + iLen - 1) Step 2
        If flgBigEndian Then
            tmp = sHex(i) & sHex(i + 1)
            tmp = sHex(i + 1) & sHex(i)
        End If
        If tmp = "0000" Then Exit For '終了フラグ
        sFrameVal = sFrameVal & ChrW(HexToDec(tmp))
    sHex_getStringUTF16 = sFrameVal
End Function

Private Function sHex_getStringUTF8(iStart As Long, iLen As Long) As String
    Dim sFrameVal As String: sFrameVal = ""
    Dim tmp As String, tmpBin As String
    Dim i As Long, k As Long, iByte As Long
    Dim iEnd As Long: iEnd = (iStart + iLen - 1)
    For i = iStart To iEnd
        If sHex(i) = "00" Then Exit For '終了フラグ
        iByte = NumByteUTF8(sHex(i))
        If iByte = 0 Then Exit For
        Select Case iByte
        Case 1
            tmpBin = Right(HexToBin(sHex(i)), 7)
        Case 2 To 6
            tmpBin = Right(HexToBin(sHex(i)), 7 - iByte)
            For k = 1 To iByte - 1
                tmp = Right(HexToBin(sHex(i + k)), 6)
                tmpBin = tmpBin + tmp
        Case Else
        End Select
        tmp = ChrW(BinToDec(tmpBin))
        sFrameVal = sFrameVal & tmp
        i = i + iByte - 1
    sHex_getStringUTF8 = sFrameVal
End Function

Private Function NumByteUTF8(sHex1 As String) As Integer
    Dim rtnInt As Integer
    Dim sBin As String: sBin = HexToBin(sHex1)
    Select Case True
    Case Left(sBin, 2) = "10"
        rtnInt = 0
        Debug.Print "先頭バイトではありません(" & sHex1 & ")"
    Case Left(sBin, 1) = "0"
        rtnInt = 1
    Case Left(sBin, 3) = "110"
        rtnInt = 2
    Case Left(sBin, 4) = "1110"
        rtnInt = 3
    Case Left(sBin, 5) = "11110"
        rtnInt = 4
    Case Left(sBin, 6) = "111110"
        rtnInt = 5
    Case Left(sBin, 7) = "1111110"
        rtnInt = 6
    Case Else
        rtnInt = 0
        Debug.Print "判別不能(" & sHex1 & ")"
    End Select
    NumByteUTF8 = rtnInt
End Function

Private Function Is2byteShiftJIS(sHex1 As String, sHex2 As String) As Boolean
    Is2byteShiftJIS = False
    If (HexToDec("81") <= HexToDec(sHex1) And HexToDec(sHex1) <= HexToDec("9F")) Or _
       (HexToDec("E0") <= HexToDec(sHex1) And HexToDec(sHex1) <= HexToDec("EF")) Then
       If (HexToDec("40") <= HexToDec(sHex2) And HexToDec(sHex2) <= HexToDec("7F")) Or _
          (HexToDec("80") <= HexToDec(sHex2) And HexToDec(sHex2) <= HexToDec("FC")) Then
            Is2byteShiftJIS = True
        End If
    End If
End Function

Property Get GetHeaderID() As String
    If sHex_getCount < 3 Then
        GetHeaderID = ""
        GetHeaderID = sHex_getStringAscii(1, 3)
    End If
End Property

Property Get GetVersion() As String
    Dim tmp As String
    If sHex_getCount < 5 Then
        tmp = ""
        Select Case sHex(4) & sHex(5) '4~5バイト固定
        Case "0200"
            tmp = "2"
        Case "0300"
            tmp = "3"
        Case "0400"
            tmp = "4"
        Case Else
            tmp = ""
        End Select
    End If
    GetVersion = tmp
End Property

Property Get GetHeaderFlg() As String
    If sHex_getCount < 6 Then
        GetHeaderFlg = ""
        GetHeaderFlg = sHex_getString(6, 1)
    End If
End Property

Function checkID3v2() As String
    Dim rtnStr As String: rtnStr = ""
    Dim tmp As String
    Dim iCnt As Long: iCnt = sHex_getCount
    If iCnt < 10 Then
        rtnStr = "読み込めませんでした。(size " & iCnt & ")": GoTo checkEnd
    End If
    If GetHeaderID <> "ID3" Then
        rtnStr = "ID3v2のヘッダーではありません": GoTo checkEnd
    End If
    tmp = GetVersion
    If tmp <> "3" And tmp <> "4" Then
        rtnStr = "ID3v2.3かID3v2.4である必要があります。(ID3v2." & tmp & ")": GoTo checkEnd
    End If
    tmp = GetHeaderFlg
    If tmp <> "00" Then
        rtnStr = "フラグ(" & tmp & ")を持つファイルです。読み込みを中止しました。": GoTo checkEnd
    End If
    checkID3v2 = rtnStr
End Function

Property Get GetAllFrameSize() As Long
    Dim tmp As String
    If sHex_getCount < 10 Then
        GetAllFrameSize = ""
        tmp = sHex(7) & sHex(8) & sHex(9) & sHex(10)
        GetAllFrameSize = HexToSyncsafeInteger(tmp)
    End If
End Property

Public Sub NextFrame()
    If Location = 1 Then
        Location = 11
        Dim iFS As Long: iFS = GetFrameSize
        If iFS > 0 Then Location = Location + iFS + 10
    End If
End Sub

Property Get SearchFrame(sFrameID As String) As String
    Location = 11
    Dim tmp As String
    Dim tmpFrameID As String: tmpFrameID = ""
    Dim iFS As Long
    Do While Location < GetAllFrameSize
        tmp = sHex_getString(Location, 1)
        If tmp = "00" Then Exit Do
        tmpFrameID = sHex_getStringAscii(Location, 4)
        If tmpFrameID = sFrameID Then Exit Do
        iFS = GetFrameSize
        If iFS > 0 Then Location = Location + iFS + 10
    If tmpFrameID = sFrameID Then
        SearchFrame = tmpFrameID
        Location = 1
        SearchFrame = ""
    End If
End Property

Property Get GetFrameID() As String
    If Location < GetAllFrameSize Then
        Dim tmp As String
        tmp = sHex_getString(Location, 1)
        If tmp = "00" Then
            GetFrameID = "" '1バイト目が00なら空文字を返す
            GetFrameID = sHex_getStringAscii(Location, 4)
        End If
        GetFrameID = ""
    End If
End Property

Property Get GetFrameSize() As Long
    Dim tmp As String
    tmp = sHex_getString(Location + 4, 4)
    GetFrameSize = HexToDec(tmp)
End Property

Property Get GetFrameHeaderFlg() As String
    GetFrameHeaderFlg = sHex_getString(Location + 8, 2)
End Property

Property Get GetFrameCharacterCode() As String
    Dim tmp As String
    tmp = sHex_getString(Location + 10, 1)
    GetFrameCharacterCode = tmp
End Property

Property Get GetFrameValue() As String
    Dim tmp As String
    Dim rtnStr As String: rtnStr = ""
    Dim thisLocation As Long
    thisLocation = Location + 10
    Dim strCode As String
    Dim flgBigEndian As Boolean
    Dim iOffset As Long
    strCode = sHex_getString(thisLocation, 1)
    Select Case strCode
    Case "00" '00:ISO-8859-1、中身はShift-JISを想定。
        rtnStr = sHex_getStringShiftJIS(thisLocation + 1, GetFrameSize - 1)
    Case "01", "02" '01:UTF-16BOM有、02:UTF-16BOM無(v2.4)
        iOffset = 1 '文字コード分
        flgBigEndian = False
        tmp = sHex(thisLocation + 1) & sHex(thisLocation + 2) 'BOMの判別
        If tmp = "FEFF" Or strCode = "02" Then: flgBigEndian = True
        If tmp = "FEFF" Or tmp = "FFFE" Then iOffset = iOffset + 2 'BOM分
        rtnStr = sHex_getStringUTF16(thisLocation + iOffset, GetFrameSize - iOffset, flgBigEndian)
    Case "03" '03:UTF-8(v2.4)
        iOffset = 1 '文字コード分
        tmp = sHex_getString(thisLocation + 1, 3) 'BOMの判別。3バイト。
        If tmp = "EFBBBF" Then iOffset = iOffset + 3 'BOM分
        rtnStr = sHex_getStringUTF8(thisLocation + iOffset, GetFrameSize - iOffset)
    Case Else
        Debug.Print "文字コード指定がありません。開始文字(" & strCode & ")"
        rtnStr = sHex_getStringShiftJIS(thisLocation, GetFrameSize)
    End Select
    GetFrameValue = rtnStr
End Property

Property Get GetFrameNameJP() As String
    Dim rtnStr As String
    Select Case GetFrameID
    Case ""
        rtnStr = ""
    Case "TIT2"
        rtnStr = "タイトル"
    Case "TPE1"
        rtnStr = "アーティスト"
    Case "TALB"
        rtnStr = "アルバム"
    Case "TCON"
        rtnStr = "ジャンル"
    Case "TRCK"
        rtnStr = "トラックNo"
    Case "TYER"
        rtnStr = "リリース年" 'TYER(v2.3)、TDRC(v2.4)
    Case "COMM"
        rtnStr = "コメント"
    Case "APIC"
        rtnStr = "アートワーク"
    Case Else
        rtnStr = ""
        Debug.Print "■フレーム「" & GetFrameID & "」初出"
    End Select
    GetFrameNameJP = rtnStr
End Property


Property Get GetHeaderBinary(Optional sDmt As String) As String
    GetHeaderBinary = sHex_getString(1, 10, sDmt)
End Property

Property Get GetFrameBinary(Optional sDmt As String)
    GetFrameBinary = sHex_getString(Location, GetFrameSize + 10, sDmt)
End Property

Property Get GetAllTagBinary(Optional sDmt As String)
    GetAllTagBinary = sHex_getString(1, GetAllFrameSize + 10, sDmt)
End Property

